Friday, June 03, 2011

Last Day

English 70 Lesson Last Day

1. Complete Feedback Forms

2. Handout Class anthology.

a. Bertha
b. Madeleine and Linda
c. Martha

3. Return of Essays, if you haven’t received them already:
a. First week of Summer Quarter.
b. Available in the English Department—Ask Kelley

4. Grades due Next Friday, posted online under schedule that day

5. You can sign up for 75, but you may be dropped. Have a back up plan.

6. My schedule: Summer 75x2; Fall 101x2, Creative Writing; Winter 102x2 and American Literature 1945-Present; Spring 95x2, Prism

7. Also, you can ask anytime, about anything.
8. You can say hi to me on campus. Say your name and I’ll say mine.
9. You can say hi to each other.

10. Andy Blevins, college drop out.

a. One in there Americans in their mid-twenties attended but did not finish college.

b. Only 41 percent of low-income students entering a four year college managed to graduate within five years. (66% of high income did).

c. 75 percent of students enrolling in community colleges said they hoped to transfer to a four year institution. But only 17 percent of those who had entered in the mid-1990’s made the switch within five year. The rest were out working or still studying toward the two year degree.

11. Your story has to be different.

12. As you walk, you cut open and create that riverbed into which the stream of your descendants shall enter and flow." --Nikos Kanzantzakis

Now you can do this.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

2 days left

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 44 Spring 2011
Hand in your revised essay.
This is not to freak you out, but to make you excited about what’s coming up.
Academic Essays v. Narrative Essays
In one sense, they are the same: Main idea and support.
The biggest difference is in where the support comes from and the complexity of the main ideas/questions being answered. English 75 should serve as a bridge to these classes.
1. English 101 Rubric
a. Sample Essay Questions
2. English 102 Rubric
a. Sample Essay Questions
b. The main differences
i. Argument/Counter Argument
3. Real Skills: Page 102
4. Real Skills 633
a. Homework: 637-639
b. Questions 1-3

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The Last Lap

Day 43

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 43 Spring 2011

1. Apostrophes (486) continued.

3. How to Read in College, part one

4. Book Preview

5. Introduction to the Readings (545)

1. Narration 1

2. Check your comprehension 1-3 (549)

Revised essays due Thursday at the beginning of the period.

Essays returned.

Grades--CR if you are below 16 points for essays, below 70% for class work or more than 5 abs.
This is not a reason to stop coming Thursday and Friday and it's not a reason to stop coming to YVCC.
Persistance pays off, but don't wait to retake 70.  It's NOT UNCOMMON for students to retake 70 and/or 75 multiple times.  It's often a case of needing to brush up--10 weeks isn't very long, but 20 might just do the job.

How to Read in College

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 42

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 42 Spring 2011

Hand in one copy of your final draft.

1. Count by Fours

2. Section 1: How did this start?

3. Section 2: What makes a good story good?

4. Section 3: What lessons did you learn?

5. Section 4: Who are we and where are we going?

6. Apostrophes (486)

Revised essays due Thursday at the beginning of the period.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Leon Lett

Day 41

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 41 Spring 2011

Learn from Leon and the last 5 days.

1. Hand in one copy of your rough draft.

2. In groups of four—pass your essay to the person across from you.

3. Read silently and mark your peer's essay as you read.

4. Complete peer editing form.

5. Discuss with your partner.

6. Trade with a second person in your group.

Final Draft due: Tuesday

Thursday, May 26, 2011

In the Lab

1.  Section 2: Work to be done--read all of the class essays (you can scan the ones you've read as a peer editor or that have been read completely in class) and write a main idea statement that captures all of them.

2.  Section 3:  What are two lessons you've learned from the stories?  Use excerpts from 1-2 stories to show how you learned these lessons.

3.  Section 4:  Write a list of "brief flashes" from 6-10 stories that you remember well after reading them.

All of these can be seen in Auster's intro, as well as Thomas Mott's and Robert Peal's examples.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

1130 Class Anthology

Here's the first link:

Here's the second link:

Day 39

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 39 Spring 2011

Learn from Leon W. and the last seven days.

1. Section four in Auster.

2. Section four—demographics—copy these down.

1. Gender

2. Age

3. Where are you from originally?

4. Where are you from now?

5. What are your former jobs?

6. What is your current job?

7. What are your career goals?

3. Section four examples from past classes.

4. Homework: Rough Draft Section Four—the breakdown of the people and the stories—including “brief flashes” from as many stories as you can fit in.

Rough Draft due: Friday

Final Draft due: Tuesday

930 Class Anthology

Here's the first link:

Here's the second:

830 Class Anthology

Here's the first link:

Here's the second one: