Friday, June 06, 2008

English 70 Lesson Last Day

Read Intros in Four Sections

    1. Section 1—How This Started
    2. Section 2—Mission, What We Were Looking For, Theme
    3. Section 3—Two Lessons
    4. Section 4—The Run Down: Facts and Synopses.

  1. Complete Feedback Forms
  2. Return of Essays
    1. First week of Summer Quarter.
    2. Available in the Conference Room of English Department
  3. Grades due Next Friday, posted online under schedule that day
  4. You can sign up for 75, but you may be dropped. Have a back up plan.

  5. My schedule: 101x3, Creative Writing; Winter 102x3; Spring 70x2, Creative Writing

  6. Also, you can ask anytime, about anything.
  7. You can say hi to me on campus. Say your name and I'll say mine.
  8. You can say hi to each other.
  9. "Students from whom nothing is ever demanded which they cannot do, never does all they can." –John Stuart Mill
  10. You can make it. Each quarter is a test, a challenge. Sometimes the test is academic, sometimes it's at home, sometimes it's work, sometimes it the system. You will be tested, pushed, pulled, crushed. That's how you become a different, stronger person. You are rewriting your life. Revising. Re-seeing what could be.

See you Tuesday to read intros, pick up anthologies. Hand in "second chance" essays. 1030-1120. Same room.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Day 42

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 42 Spring


Monday 6.2

Complete O/R of essays

Outline Introduction


Tuesday 6.3

Work on Section one and two


Wednesday 6.4

Section three and four


Thursday 6.5

Peer Edit introductions/second chance essays


Friday 6.6

Introduction Essay due.

Revised essay for improved score due.



During Finals:

Tuesday from 930-1030

Anthologies handed out.

Food, drink.

Readings Your Best and a few words from me.