English Composition 70: Spring 2009
Dan Peters, Instructor (dpeters@yvcc.edu) 574-6800 ext 3194
Office hours: 830-930, Anthon English Dept.
Course Description:
Students in English 070 will learn to write unified, coherent, short compositions, following standard conventions of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. They will base their writing on a reading and understanding of basic texts, enhanced by active participation in class discussions.
ASSET placement score: 33-38.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to
- Use appropriate strategies to write unified, coherent, short compositions.
- Read and articulate an understanding of a text that uses conversational vocabulary, an easily recognizable organizational pattern, and basic sentence structure.
Students will have the opportunity to practice the following Abilities as they meet course objectives: Analytical Reasoning (AR) and Communication (C).
Course Objectives:
During the course students will
- Participate in class discussions.
- Summarize and paraphrase a text.
- Generate ideas.
- Organize ideas.
- Write unified paragraphs.
- Write rough drafts.
- Revise rough drafts.
- Edit and proofread drafts, practicing conventions of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
- Demonstrate the ability to read critically: summarize and paraphrase, question, and analyze a text.
- Practice objectives 1-9 in in-class writing.
The Job
The Materials
- Real Writing, 4e, Anker
- I Thought My Father Was God, Auster
- Thumb drive
- Three Ring Binder
- Spiral bound notebook
- A good college-level dictionary
- Highlighter pens
- Mini stapler
- Blue & black ink pens
The Grades
In order to move to 075, you need to earn a grade of Satisfactory (S) in English 070.
A Credit (Cr) grade will be given to students who are progressing in their skills but may need more time to be ready to write at the college level.
A No-Credit (NC) grade will be given to students who are not progressing, who have not completed the assigned work or who have not regularly attended class.
Your grade will be broken into two distinct parts:
- The first will be for all the work you do prior to a second draft (D2).
In order to move to 075, you will need to average 75% on these assignments.
- The second part of your grade is your second drafts (D2).
These are polished essays that I will read, give comments on and score from 0-6. (see attached for grading rubric). In order to move to 075, your scores for your second drafts must average 4 or better.
The Details
- All assignments are due on the date assigned. Late work will not be accepted.
- Essays are required to be between 2-3 pages long, double-spaced, in a normal sized (10-12 point) font or type comparable to Times New Roman. Essays not meeting the minimum length requirement, whether through failure to complete 2 pages, use of a larger than normal font, or large margins, will have a reduced grade. Failing to complete 2 pages by a line or two won't affect your grade, but stopping your essay on the middle of page 2 will.
- All essays must be typed or printed on a computer printer.
- Essays must be typed in MLA format: one inch margins on all sides, with your name and page number in the top right hand corner. Text should be double-spaced. You must put your name and section number on either the first page of the essay or on a title page
- Keep a HARD COPY of your essay, so that you will have a back-up in case of loss, disk crash, etc. Anyone working on computer should have a back-up copy of his/her essay on disk.
The Big Six
Ideas and Content
Word Choice
Sentence Fluency
Don't Cheat Yourself
Any work that has been plagiarized will be given a zero and will not be eligible resubmission.
Do the best that you can with what you have.
Be Here, Now
If you miss 5 classes for any reason, the best grade you can receive will be CR.
If you miss 7 classes for any reason you will be withdrawn from the class.
Lean in…
Course Adaptation:
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please talk with me as soon as possible.