Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 20

English 70 Spring 09 Lesson Plan Day 20

  1. Intros and conclusions for more "academic" essays.
  2. Outline, intros and conclusions for narrative essays.
  3. Work on your rough drafts. Try to get one clean page.
  4. Exchange with a partner and write three questions you have about their story.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 19

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 19 Spring 2009

  1. Essays back
  2. Getting essays back
    1. Two types of comments.
    2. Yancey Yore/William Peckman
    3. This is part of our job.
    4. High expectations are important in college
      1. You are here by choice and at a cost.
      2. Your diploma has to mean certain things.
    5. Time to review comments and ask questions.
    6. The 24 hour rule.
      2. You will have a chance at the end of the quarter to improve your score for one of your essays by revising based on my comments and based on what you've learned.
    8. Your options if you don't like your grade:
      1. Work Harder.
      2. Change your habits/attitudes.
      3. Real Writing review.
      4. Read more closely.
      5. More drafts .
      6. Writing Center.
      7. See Me.


    1. Graded on Ideas and Content and Organization
    2. Grammar a big issue—but was not graded.
    3. Average: 4.1 for 930 and 4.3 for 1030 classes
    4. Theme/Thesis statements need work
    5. Intros and conclusions need work
    6. Titles
    7. Don't be afraid to be creative writers. Don't be afraid to let go a bit.


  3. For Wednesday: Four copies of rough draft of Stranger/Family.
  4. So far
    1. Sample essays
    2. Described traits
    3. Freewriting
    4. Five w's
    5. Five senses
  5. Stand back from it: What's the main idea? What's the moral of the story?
  6. Word choice notes
  7. Review Homework: "Word Choice" in Real Writing page 503-512
    1. Practice 1, 2 and chapter review

Tomorrow in class: Theme statements, intros and conclusions and writing time.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 18

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 18 Spring 2009

  1. Strangers-- Mr. Bill example
    1. Word choice
    2. Voice
  2. Review types of prewriting
    1. Freewrite
    2. List
    3. Research/read
    4. Discussion
    5. Cluster/map
    6. Questions


  3. Strangers list
    1. Doctors/Nurses
  4. Freewrite about one of these.
  5. Discussion at table
  6. Family Photo
    1. Caption example
    2. Five w's
    3. Five senses
  7. Discussion at table
  8. Homework: "Word Choice" in Real Writing page 503-512

Do: Practice 1, 2 and chapter review

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 17 Spring 2009

  1. Strangers Quiz
  2. Correct quiz
  3. Families--(The Wednesday Before Christmas, Revenge, Plate of Peas)

    1. Word choice
    2. Voice
  4. Review types of prewriting

    1. Freewrite
    2. List
    3. Research/read
    4. Discussion
    5. Cluster/map
    6. Questions

  5. Strangers list

    1. customers

      1. Mr. Bill
    2. co-workers
    3. camps
    4. teams
    5. on the street
    6. hikes
    7. trips
    8. vacations
    9. stores
    10. bus/plane/train
    11. coaches
    12. church leaders
    13. teachers
  6. Freewrite about one of these.

Family Photo?

Caption example

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 16

  1. What stories do you remember from yesterday?
  2. Essay Topic
  3. Word Choice and Voice H/O and explain

  1. Pick 2 of your favorite stories from ITMFWG "Family"
    1. Look for word choice—lively verbs, specific modifiers/adverbs/adjectives
    2. Which writer would you like to meet?
    3. Which writer takes the biggest risk?
    4. Which writer has the most style?

  1. Homework: complete reading "Strangers" section. Quiz tomorrow.
  2. Bring family photo to class on Thursday

Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 15

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 15, Wednesday

  1. What specifics do you remember from Friday?
  2. Hand back homework.
  3. Essays back in about a week.
  4. Continue OR of our first essays.
  5. Introduce Essay Two
    1. Topic
    2. Grading
    3. Schedule?
      1. Quiz on Strangers Wednesday
      2. Prewriting for Strangers/Family
      3. Outline of essay
      4. Draft one due next Wednesday.
        1. Peer Edit credit for students participating
      5. Draft 2 due Monday May 4th

For homework: Read ITMFWG 153-172 for Tuesday and 173 to end of Strangers by Wednesday

Essay 2 Topic Families and Strangers

Topic 2: Families and Strangers—VOICE AND WORD CHOICE


For this assignment, we will be working on Voice and Word Choice.


Additional requirements:

Your story should focus on revealing a main point.

Your story should focus on 3-4 major events.

Each major event should be supported with details that bring it to life.

Your story should use dialogue.


2-3 pages




(From Process of Discovery)


Writing about a person who has influenced you.


We have all been influenced by many, many people in our lives. Just about everything about us—the way we talk, dress, think, believe—has been influence by parents, other relatives, peers or friends. It pretty easy to see how people this close to us affect our lives.

It's also interesting to think about how our lives have been influenced by people we didn't know well. We have all been affected by strangers or by people we barely knew. What I'd like you to do is write a paper about one of these people. Let's get away, for the moment, from people the rest of us would expect to influence your life—parents, siblings, relatives, clergy, coaches—to explore some of the more surprising influences.


For example:


A person you knew for a very short time, who walked in and out of your life, but you've never forgotten.


A person you never have met but have observed closely, perhaps a co-worker or someone in a class you took once.


After extensive freewriting, focus in on the person you're going to write about. You want to work toward a paper that will do at least three things:

Describe the person and the circumstances by which you came to know him or her.


MAIN POINT: Show specifically how this person influenced you: Is it the way you dress, the way you eat, the way you think, the way you believe?


Analyze how this change in yourself has been for the better or for the worse. Some role models are positive, some negative; what has this one been for you?

OPTION TWO—Captioning your family


Write a caption for a family photo. In short, you will tell the story of the photograph—both what is seen and what is unseen by the viewer.




  • Tell a specific story about the circumstances surrounding the photo.


  • Identify the people in the photograph with their full names. Make certain you spell their names correctly.


  • Describe what is happening in the photo by providing the context for when the photo was taken. What are the circumstances here? What is going on that you can't see by looking in the pictures?


  • Be creative and honest.


  • Study the photograph yourself as you are writing the caption. What information do you have about the people in the photograph that no one else has? What is going on in this photograph that can't be seen?


  • MAIN POINT: What do you want the reader to know/understand by the end of the story?


  • How have you supported this point?


Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 14

Lesson Plan Day 14 Friday

  1. Hand In Final Draft of Essay One
  2. O/R Yes/No?
  3. Yes= +.5
  4. No= -.5
  5. Essays returned within one week and one day.
  6. Homework: Read ITMFWG "Families"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 13

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 13, Spring 09

  1. Hand back and review Chapter 9 review


  2. Complete peer review process


  3. If time, complete the "Story Maps" for each essay.


  4. Hand back all of it to the writer so they have notes to work with.


  5. Peer Review, Review


  6. How the paper should look.


  7. Grade sample essay?


  1. Homework: Work on final drafts. Due Friday. Bring two copies.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 12

Lesson Plan Day 12

  1. Hand in homework, Chapter 9 review
  2. Explain Peer Editing process
    1. Students learn from each other.
    2. Students learn by teaching.
    3. Kind honesty.
    4. Thick skin.
  3. Write two questions you'd like answered by your peers.
    1. Choose who goes first
    2. Hand out essays
    3. Read aloud
    4. Complete peer editing forms first
    5. Have a CONVERSATION (that's why there's four of you)
    6. Finally, writer asks questions not answered.
    7. Repeat
  4. Homework:
    1. Complete peer editing form for remaining essays.
    2. Work on final drafts. Due Friday. Bring two copies.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 11

Lesson Plan Day 11

  1. Explain Peer Editing process
    1. Role Play?
      1. Write two questions you'd like answered by your peers.
      2. Choose who goes first
      3. Hand out essays
      4. Read aloud
      5. Complete peer editing forms first
      6. Have a CONVERSATION (that's why there's four of you)
      7. Finally, writer asks questions not answered.
      8. Repeat
  2. Homework
    1. Read RW Chapter 9
      1. Read 107-120

Do Chapter Review (We will hand this in at the beginning of class tomorrow).

Monday, April 13, 2009

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 10

Log in.

  1. If you are working on Animal essay—probably use "Events" as paragraphs.
  2. If you are working on "Object" you might choose "Reasons" as paragraphs? If so, use "Order of Importance" to organize.
  3. Work on essay.
  4. Ask me questions.

Rough Draft Due: Tuesday. Bring 4 copies. 2-3 pages.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Meet in C210 (Deccio second floor) on Monday.
Bring a thumb drive.

Day 9

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 9

  1. Chapter 6 Organization
    1. Animal: Probably chronologically
    2. Object: Maybe "Order of importance" for your reasons


  2. Real Writing Chapter 4
    1. Basics of a good Thesis Statement
      1. Fits the size of the assignment:
      2. Single Main Point
      3. Specific
      4. It is something you can show, explain, or prove
      5. It is a forceful statement written with confidence
    2. Practice 1
    3. Practice 2
    4. Read 43-45
    5. Practice 4
    6. Read 48
    7. Practice 5
    8. Read 49
    9. Read 50
    10. Read 53-54


  1. So far: Thesis statement and early plan
    1. Does it interest me?
    2. Can I say something about it?
    3. Is it specific?


  2. Go a bit further (Ideas and Content handout)
    1. Is the main idea of the story clear to me?
    2. Is it an original idea, or an original way of seeing something?
    3. Will it interest my audience?
    4. Can I see what the organization should be?


  1. Discussion
    1. Read your thesis statements to each other and then explain what you're going to write about—three minutes.
    2. What do your peers sound most interested in?
    3. Now, others ask you questions and you WRITE THEM DOWN AS FAST AS YOU CAN.
      1. These may be things you have overlooked that we need.


  2. Homework

    Rough Draft Due Monday?

Thursday, April 09, 2009

English 70 Spring 09 Lesson Plan Day 8

Bonus Points: Tonight at Kendall and Tomorrow at Writing Center—7pm for both—one full page of notes due the next day.

Generating Ideas

Pick one from the list and go for 10 minutes

Five Senses

Five W's + How

At your tables

The Next Step in the writing process:
Story map
4 Questions to ask of your topic
Does it interest me?
Can I say something about it?
Is it specific?
What is the main point?


Plus: A theme sentence for an animal essay and a theme statement for an object essay—what is the moral of the story?
English 70 Spring 09 Lesson Plan Day 8

Bonus Points: Tonight at Kendall and Tomorrow at Writing Center—7pm for both—one full page of notes due the next day.

Generating Ideas

Pick one from the list and go for 10 minutes

Five Senses

Five W's + How

At your tables

The Next Step in the writing process:
Story map

4 Questions to ask of your topic
  • Does it interest me?
  • Can I say something about it?
  • Is it specific?
  • What is the main point?


    Plus: A theme sentence for an animal essay and a theme statement for an object essay—what is the moral of the story?
English 70 Spring 09 Lesson Plan Day 8

Bonus Points: Tonight at Kendall and Tomorrow at Writing Center—7pm for both—one full page of notes due the next day.

Generating Ideas

Pick one from the list and go for 10 minutes

Five Senses

Five W's + How

At your tables

The Next Step in the writing process:
Story map

4 Questions to ask of your topic

  • Does it interest me?
  • Can I say something about it?
  • Is it specific?
  • What is the main point?


    Plus: A theme sentence for an animal essay and a theme statement for an object essay—what is the moral of the story?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 7 Wednesday

  1. H/O on Ideas/Content and Organization
  2. ITMFWG Animals Favorites
  3. Generating Ideas
    1. Listing
      1. Animals/Objects
        1. Pets list already done
        2. Wild, Zoo, Farm, Fair, Friends, Relatives
        3. Souvenirs
    2. Freewriting
      1. Animals/Objects
        1. Pick one from the list and go for 10 minutes
    3. Questioning
      1. Five W's + How
        1. Animals
        2. Objects
    4. Discussion
      1. At your tables
    5. Clustering/Mapping
      1. Story map?
    6. Five Senses if there's time.
    7. 4 Questions to ask of your topic
      1. Does it interest me?
      2. Can I say something about it?
      3. Is it specific?
      4. AND—
        1. What is the main point?


Plus: A theme sentence for an animal essay and a theme statement for an object essay—what is the moral of the story?

Monday, April 06, 2009

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 6

  1. Friday night 7pm, Kim-An Lieberman poetry reading writing center 7pm
  2. Tomorrow, No Class; Wednesday, check blog for cancelation?
  3. Quiz Objects/RW
  4. Correct quiz/objects
  5. Favorite Objects stories
  6. Essay one assignment—H/O
    1. Focus on Ideas/Content + Organization
    2. NY Stray
    3. Yellow Butterfly
  7. The Writing Process
    1. Generate Ideas
    2. Plan
    3. Draft
    4. Revise
    5. Edit
    6. Present final draft
  8. Generating Ideas
    1. Listing
      1. Animals/Objects
        1. Pets list
        2. Wild, Zoo, Farm, Fair, Friends, Relatives
        3. Souvenirs
    2. Freewriting
      1. Animals/Objects
        1. Pick one from the list and go for 10 minutes
        2. Pick from another list
    3. Questioning
      1. Five W's + How
        1. Animals
        2. Objects
    4. Discussion
      1. At your tables
    5. Clustering/Mapping
    6. Five Senses if there's time.
    7. 4 Questions to ask of your topic
      1. Does it interest me?
      2. Can I say something about it?
      3. Is it specific?
      4. AND—What is the main point?

Friday, April 03, 2009

Day 5

English 70 Day 5

  1. Names and Faces Quiz
  2. Six Traits Quiz
  3. Steps in the Writing Process
    1. Generate Ideas
    2. Plan
    3. Draft
    4. Revise
    5. Edit
    6. Present
  4. Essay 1
  5. Animals—Favorites, pick two
  6. Homework: read Objects in ITMFWG

Quiz Object and the writing process

Thursday, April 02, 2009

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 4

  1. Fill in some tables. It works better this way.
  2. Journal: What is the best thing you've ever read? Best story, magazine, article, comic book, sacred text, novel, play, poem, card or letter, email, text message?
  3. Chapter 2 Review
  4. Six Traits Pre-Test
  5. Six Traits defined
  6. Show outline of class using the traits
  7. Answers to Pre-Test


Six Traits Quiz Friday.

Names and Faces, quiz Friday.

Read ITMFWG: 3-29 for Friday and 33-72 for Monday (Quiz on Objects and RW on Monday).

We won't always go this fast with reading.

We won't always have quizzes this often.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

English 70 Lesson Plan 3

  1. Names and Faces
  2. Questions from 930 class
  3. RW: Reading Basics--Practice 1, 2, 3, 5
    1. How I grade these
      1. We will typically go over them in class.
        1. As a result, I will grade them on a 0-10 scale, based on completion of the work, not exact answers for every question. So, all the work done well=+10; Some of the work done (or all of it done not so well)= +7; Little of the work done= +4 etc.
      2. If I get a sense that we're not doing the work, I'll collect them without review in class and grade them differently.
  4. Traits of good writing according to us.
  5. Tomorrow we'll look at the Six Traits of Writing
  6. Homework?
    1. RW 25-31—Chapter Review (These are tricky and we won't hand it in b/c of the pages after it).

Homework: Names and Faces Quiz Friday
and RW work if we don't get to it in class.