Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 22

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 22 Spring 2010

Special Note:

I won't be here tomorrow.

And we don't have school on Friday.

So, your final drafts are not due until Tuesday.

We will complete peer editing on Monday.

  1. Exchange papers with a partner.
  2. Read the paper silently to yourself—look for strengths and mark them with pluses or stars. Good verbs, specific nouns, strong images, good ideas.
  3. Complete peer editing form
  4. Discuss with writer.

Change partners and repeat.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 21

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 21 Spring 2009

  1. Sample Essays
  2. Yesterday
    1. Five w's
    2. Five senses
    3. Who are the characters?
    4. What is the setting?
    5. What are the main events?
  3. Stand back from it: What's the main idea? What's the moral of the story?
  4. Try explaining ONE of the main events using vivid verbs and concrete nouns.
  5. Try main event number TWO
  6. And finally main event number THREE
    1. You may end up with more, but we're trying to make clear paragraphs.

Homework: Rough Draft 2-3 pages. Bring four copies.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 20

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 20 Spring 2009

  1. Review homework: Exercise 5 and Paragraph exercise (pages 195-196 in The Least)
  2. VERBS
    1. Avoiding shifts in time (123)
      1. Do: Exercise on Page 124
        1. #1
        2. Homework: #2 and #3 (page 124)
  3. For our second essay, so far:
    1. Sample essays (*except 930)
    2. Described traits
    3. Read
    4. Discussed
    5. Lists
  4. Today
    1. Who are the characters?
    2. What is the setting?
    3. What are the main events?
    4. (930) Five w's
    5. (930) Five senses
    6. (1030) Freewriting

Stand back from it: What's the main idea? What's the moral of the story?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 18

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 19 Spring 2009

  1. Let's try Exercise 3 and 4 on page 194.
    1. Homework: Do Exercise 5 and Paragraph exercise (pages 195-196 in The Least)
  2. Essays back
  3. Getting essays back
    1. Two types of comments.
    2. Yancey Yore/William Peckman
    3. This is part of our job.
    4. High expectations are important in college
      1. You are here by choice and at a cost.
      2. Your diploma has to mean certain things.
    5. Time to review comments and ask questions.
    6. The 24 hour rule.
      2. You will have a chance at the end of the quarter to improve your score for one of your essays by revising based on my comments and based on what you've learned.
    8. Your options if you don't like your grade:
      1. Work Harder.
      2. Change your habits/attitudes.
      3. Real Writing review.
      4. Read more closely.
      5. More drafts .
      6. Writing Center.
      7. See Me.


    1. Graded on Ideas and Content and Organization
    2. Grammar a big issue—but was not graded.
    3. Theme/Thesis statements need work
      1. Location
      2. Generalization
    4. Intros and conclusions need work
    5. Titles
    6. Class Avg 930: 4.25 1030: 4.0
    7. Don't be afraid to be creative writers. Don't be afraid to let go a bit.


  4. For Wednesday: Four copies of rough draft of Stranger/Family.
  5. For our second essay, so far:
    1. Sample essays
    2. Described traits
    3. Read
    4. Discussed
    5. Lists
  6. Today
    1. (930) Five w's
    2. (930) Five senses
    3. (1030) Freewriting
  7. Stand back from it: What's the main idea? What's the moral of the story?
  8. Word choice notes if time.
  9. Homework:

Work on your essays.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 17

  1. Bonus Points: Linda Hunt? Did I screw anybody up?
    1. Tonight: 7pm Allied Arts Poetry Reading
  2. Essays back Friday.
  3. Essay 2: Strangers/Family
    1. Rough Draft: April 28th
    2. Final Draft: May 3rd
  4. Strangers Quiz
  5. Review types of prewriting
    1. Freewrite
    2. List
    3. Research/read
    4. Discussion
    5. Cluster/map
    6. Questions
  6. Strangers list
    1. Doctors/Nurses
    2. customers
    3. co-workers
    4. camps
    5. teams
    6. on the street
    7. hikes
    8. trips
    9. vacations
    10. stores
    11. bus/plane/train
    12. coaches
    13. church leaders
    14. teachers
  7. Bring a possible photo to work with tomorrow. Maybe two?

(1030 class)

  1. Strangers-- Example
    1. Word choice
    2. Voice
  2. Strangers list
  3. Freewrite about one of these.
  4. Discussion at table
  5. Family Photo
    1. Caption example
    2. Five w's
    3. Five senses
  6. Discussion at table

Homework: In "The Least" read Pages 191-192; Do Exercises 1 and 2. Bring tomorrow for review.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 16

  1. Bonus Points: Tonight 7pm YV Museum 2105 Tieton, Linda Hunt
    1. Tomorrow: 7pm Allied Arts Poetry Reading
  2. Essays back Friday or Monday.
  3. Essay 2: Strangers/Family
    1. Rough Draft: April 28th
    2. Final Draft: May 3rd
  4. Strangers Quiz
  5. ITMFWG: Stranger section—
    1. Look for word choice—lively verbs, specific modifiers/adverbs/adjectives
    2. Which writer would you like to meet?
    3. Which writer takes the biggest risk?
    4. Which writer has the most style?
  6. Review types of prewriting
    1. Freewrite
    2. List
    3. Research/read
    4. Discussion
    5. Cluster/map
    6. Questions
  7. Strangers list
    1. Doctors/Nurses
    2. customers
    3. co-workers
    4. camps
    5. teams
    6. on the street
    7. hikes
    8. trips
    9. vacations
    10. stores
    11. bus/plane/train
    12. coaches
    13. church leaders
    14. teachers
  8. Homework:
    1. In "The Least" read Pages 191-192; Do Exercises 1 and 2.
    2. Bring a possible photo to work with tomorrow. Maybe two?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prewriting: Listing

  1. Strangers list
    1. customers
      1. Mr. Bill
    2. co-workers
    3. camps
    4. teams
    5. on the street
    6. hikes
    7. trips
    8. vacations
    9. stores
    10. bus/plane/train
    11. coaches
    12. church leaders
    13. teachers

Day 15

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 15

  1. Bonus Points today: Mark Fuzie at 1130 in this classroom.
    1. Mark Fuzie tonight at the writing center—7pm.
  2. Homework back—be sure YOU are checking your answers for the grammar work before you hand it in.
  3. Essays back Friday or Monday.
  4. Essay 2: Strangers/Family
    1. Rough Draft: April 28th
    2. Final Draft: May 2
  5. Word Choice/Voice H/O
  6. ITMFWG: Family section—pick two favorites (930 class) or one favorite (1030 class)
    1. Look for word choice—lively verbs, specific modifiers/adverbs/adjectives
    2. Which writer would you like to meet?
    3. Which writer takes the biggest risk?
    4. Which writer has the most style?
  7. Homework: Complete Reading of "Strangers" section.
    1. Quiz tomorrow over this section.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 14

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 14

  1. Surprise.
  2. Bonus points?
  3. O/R of essay 1
    1. Y= read your story
    2. N= don't read your story
    3. Y= +.5 to your final score
    4. N= -.5 to your final score

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 13

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 13

  1. Bonus points?
  2. Hand in:
    1. Adverbs/Adjectives
    2. Peer Review, Review
    3. Final Draft of Essay 1
  3. O/R of essay 1
    1. Y= read your story
    2. N= don't read your story
    3. Y= +.5 to your final score
    4. N= -.5 to your final score
  4. Homework: Read "Families" section of ITMFWG.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Theme statement in intro.


Work from printed copy.

Consider using different color paper?

Sentence openings (esp It/There)

Capital letters/end punctuation

Signal phrases


Spelling—Spell check.




Proper names: Friedman, for ex.

Use a ruler

Read backwards

Read aloud

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 12

  1. Bonus points tonight etc.
  2. Final Draft Due Friday

    1. MLA style

      1. Heading
      2. Header
      3. Double spaced
      4. Keep default margins
      5. Standard size (12pt) font
  3. Complete Peer Review
  4. Complete Peer Review Review

    1. Outline your essay on the back?
  5. Rubric
  6. Homework:

    1. The Least

      1. Read 28-30
      2. Do Exercises 1 and 2 (31-32)
      3. Read 224-226
      4. Do Exercise 2 on page 226

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 11

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 11

  1. Review Peer Editing process
    1. Students learn from each other.
    2. Students learn by teaching.
    3. Kind honesty.
    4. Thick skin.
  2. Write two questions you'd like answered by your peers.
    1. In groups of 4.
    2. Choose who goes first
    3. Hand out essays
    4. Read aloud
    5. Complete peer editing forms first
    6. Have a CONVERSATION (that's why there's four of you)
    7. Finally, writer asks questions not answered.
    8. Repeat
  3. Peer Review Review
    1. Outline your essay on the back
  4. Homework:
    1. Final Draft Due Wednesday.

Monday, April 12, 2010

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 10

  1. Explain Peer Editing process

    1. Students learn from each other.
    2. Students learn by teaching.
    3. Kind honesty.
    4. Thick skin.
  2. Write two questions you'd like answered by your peers.

    1. In pairs at tables of 4.
    2. Choose who goes first
    3. Hand out essays
    4. "You have my permission to tear my paper apart"
    5. Read aloud
    6. Complete peer editing forms--(author completes one for their own paper.)
    7. Writer leads a CONVERSATION (that's why there's four of you)
    8. Finally, writer asks questions not answered.
    9. Repeat
  3. Hand in one copy of your rough draft.
  4. Homework: Peer Edit second essay at home.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Day 9

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 9—No class tomorrow. Rough Draft Due Monday. Bring 3 copies.

  1. The Least Eight Parts of Speech review Ex 1 and 2.
    1. Slow down on this. It works best for ELL students probably, but it's important for everyone. Lots of grammar is explained in these terms.
  2. H/O on Ideas/Content and Organization
  3. Organization
    1. Intro/Conclusion (use handout)
    2. Chronological (animal?)
    3. Order of Importance (object?)


  4. Thesis statements—put them up on the boards for clicker votes.


  • Is it a complete sentence?
  • Stated in their own words?
  • Not a cliché.
  • Applies to more than just this story? (A generalization?)


Homework:     Animal or Object Rough Draft—2-3 pages. Double spaced. 12 point font. Default margins. Work on the main idea. Work on Intro and Conclusion. Work on clear main ideas for each paragraph and details to support them.


Tell an interesting story. What's the moral, theme, message you want us to understand at the end of the story?


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Day 8

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 8

  1. The Least 2-4
    1. Proofreading pg 20
    2. Collect work
  2. H/O on Ideas/Content and Organization
  3. Organization
    1. Intro/Conclusion (use handout)
    2. Chronological (animal?)
    3. Order of Importance (object?)


  4. Thesis statements—put them up on the boards.
  • Is it a complete sentence?
  • Stated in their own words?
  • Not a cliché.
  • Applies to more than just this story? (A generalization?)


Homework:     Read—The Eight Parts of Speech 22-24

        Do—Exercise 1 and 2

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Day 7

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 7 Wednesday

  1. The Least 2-4
    1. Proofreading pg 12
  2. Second set of commonly confused words
    1. Exercise 1
    2. Homework: Exercises 2-4 (pages 17-19)
  3. H/O on Ideas/Content and Organization
  4. Favorite Object essay from second half of chapter.
    1. Ideas/Content
    2. Organization
  5. Consider:
    1. 2-4 characters
    2. 1-2 locations
    3. 1 minute to 24 hours.
  6. 4 Questions to ask of your topic
    1. Does it interest me?
    2. Can I say something about it?
    3. Is it specific?
    4. AND—
      1. What is the main point
  7. Narrative Map
  8. Beginnings
  9. Endings


Plus: A theme sentence for an animal essay and a theme statement for an object essay—what is the moral of the story?

    For objects: This (object) is valuable to me because_____________.

    For animals: That (animal) taught me an important lesson:________.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Bonus Points

April 7, Wednesday, 7—8pm
YVCC Diversity Series: Teatro Chicana
Kendall Auditorium, YVCC Campus
Free • Chicana Theatre Women's Troupe addresses social, gender and political issues of the working class and Chicano Movement. • 574-6800 x3151
April 8, Thursday, 7pm
Salt of the Earth: Film Viewing and Discussion
Yakima Valley Museum
Free • A showing of the short, but intense, film, "Salt of the Earth", with discussion by Nancy Rawles, Shanna Stevenson, Maria Cuevas, and Dr. Carli Schiffner to follow. • 509-248-0747
April 11, Sunday, 1pm
Voices: Hear My Voice: Win the Vote
Yakima Valley Museum
Free • The final battle for women's voting rights is experienced in this exciting multi-media program by Living Voices. Part of the Voices series. Voices is a cooperative program between the Yakima Valley Museum and Allied Arts that presents lecturers and performers addressing topics of interest to the community.• 248-0747
April 20th, YVCC Writing Center, Mark Fuzie reading poetry, 7pm

April 21, Wednesday, Varies by location
Bold Spirit, Helga Estby's Forgotten Walk Across Victorian America Reading by Author Linda Hunt.
9:30—10:30am, Parker Room, Deccio Building, YVCC Campus
7—8:30pm @ Yakima Valley Museum
Free • Author Linda Lawrence Hunt will share the true story of feminist suffragette Helga Estby's journey across the United States. Sponsored by Yakima Valley Libraries. • 509-249-9002
April 22nd, Allied Arts Coffee House Poetry Reading, 5000 Lincoln Ave.

April 29, Thursday, 3—5pm
YVCC Diversity Series: Suffragist Movement and Latina Progress in Yakima Valley
SURC 137A-B, CWU in Ellensburg
Free • A panel discussion on the quality of life for Latinas in Yakima Valley presented by Chicana/Latina professionals in Yakima Valley. • 574-6800 x3151

May 4th, Doug Johnson Poetry Reading, 7pm YVCC Writing center

May 6, Thursday, 7—9pm
YVCC Diversity Series: Suffragist Movement and Latina Progress in Yakima Valley
Parker Room, Deccio Building., YVCC campus
Free • A panel discussion on the quality of life for Latinas in Yakima Valley presented by Chicana/Latina professionals in Yakima Valley. • 574-6800 x3151

Day 6

English 70 Lesson Plan 6

  1. Names quiz
  2. Objects quiz
  3. Generating Ideas
    1. Listing
    2. Freewriting
    3. Questioning
      1. Five W's + How
        1. Animals/Objects
    4. Discussion
    5. Clustering/Mapping
    6. Five Senses if there's time.
    7. 4 Questions to ask of your topic
      1. Does it interest me?
      2. Can I say something about it?
      3. Is it specific?
      4. AND—
        1. What is the main point?
  4. Organize Ideas
  5. Exercise 1 on page 8-9?


Homework: Rough Draft of Essay One due next Monday.

Homework: Exercises 2-4 in The Least (pages 9-11).

Friday, April 02, 2010

Day 5

English 70 Lesson Plan 5

  1. Favorites from "Objects"
    1. Work on summary
    2. main ideas/supporting details.
  2. Generating Ideas
    1. Listing
      1. Objects
        1. Souvenirs, antiques, hand me downs, hard earned treasures, gifts, symbolic clutter
        2. Avoid photo albums or boxes full of items. Too broad to write about.
    2. Freewriting
      1. Objects
        1. Pick one from the list and go for 5 minutes
    3. Questioning
      1. Five W's + How
        1. Animals or Objects
    4. Pick a topic?
    5. Clustering/Mapping
      1. Story map?
    6. Five Senses if there's time.
    7. 4 Questions to ask of your topic
      1. Does it interest me?
      2. Can I say something about it?
      3. Is it specific?
      4. AND—
        1. What is the main point?


Homework: Read second half of Objects in ITMFWG.

Prepare for names quiz and quiz over "Objects" on Monday.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Day 4

English 70 Lesson Plan 4

  1. Quiz—four digits of SID
  2. Photos
    1. Lists from previous homework in 930 class only.
  3. Generating Ideas
    1. Listing
      1. Animals/Objects
        1. Pets
        2. Wild, Zoo, Farm, Fair, Friends, Relatives
        3. Souvenirs, antiques,
    2. Freewriting
      1. Animals/Objects
        1. Pick one from the list and go for 10 minutes
    3. Questioning
      1. Five W's + How
        1. Animals
        2. Objects
    4. Discussion
      1. At your tables
    5. Clustering/Mapping
      1. Story map?
    6. Five Senses if there's time.
    7. 4 Questions to ask of your topic
      1. Does it interest me?
      2. Can I say something about it?
      3. Is it specific?
      4. AND—
        1. What is the main point?


Homework: Read first half of Objects in ITMFWG (33-53)