Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 18

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 19 Spring 2009

  1. Let's try Exercise 3 and 4 on page 194.
    1. Homework: Do Exercise 5 and Paragraph exercise (pages 195-196 in The Least)
  2. Essays back
  3. Getting essays back
    1. Two types of comments.
    2. Yancey Yore/William Peckman
    3. This is part of our job.
    4. High expectations are important in college
      1. You are here by choice and at a cost.
      2. Your diploma has to mean certain things.
    5. Time to review comments and ask questions.
    6. The 24 hour rule.
      2. You will have a chance at the end of the quarter to improve your score for one of your essays by revising based on my comments and based on what you've learned.
    8. Your options if you don't like your grade:
      1. Work Harder.
      2. Change your habits/attitudes.
      3. Real Writing review.
      4. Read more closely.
      5. More drafts .
      6. Writing Center.
      7. See Me.


    1. Graded on Ideas and Content and Organization
    2. Grammar a big issue—but was not graded.
    3. Theme/Thesis statements need work
      1. Location
      2. Generalization
    4. Intros and conclusions need work
    5. Titles
    6. Class Avg 930: 4.25 1030: 4.0
    7. Don't be afraid to be creative writers. Don't be afraid to let go a bit.


  4. For Wednesday: Four copies of rough draft of Stranger/Family.
  5. For our second essay, so far:
    1. Sample essays
    2. Described traits
    3. Read
    4. Discussed
    5. Lists
  6. Today
    1. (930) Five w's
    2. (930) Five senses
    3. (1030) Freewriting
  7. Stand back from it: What's the main idea? What's the moral of the story?
  8. Word choice notes if time.
  9. Homework:

Work on your essays.