Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 18

English 70 Lesson Plan 18

1. Hand in homework on commonly confused words.

2. Hand back wordiness exercise.

3. Handing back essays.

a. 830 Avg: 4.3

b. 930 Avg: 4.0

c. 1130 Avg: 4.2

4. Academic Early Warning (I sent out 16).

a. Missing/Late assignments (below 70%).

b. Low scores (below 3.5 on essay).

c. Excessive absences (more than 3).

d. Everyone else was marked with an S score.

5. Sample Essay Family Photo.

6. Sample Essay Stranger.

7. Bonus points this week:

a. Library

b. Poetry Reading: Allied Arts 7pm

c. Oak Hollow Gallery, Tonight, 7 pm.

8. For Monday: Bring a family photo to write about (maybe 2).

9. Homework: Spelling Chapter (447)

a. Practice 1-8 plus chapter review (20 points).