Tuesday, October 03, 2006

AS1 Peer Review worksheet Your Name:

Essay writer’s name:

1) Number the paragraphs on the essay itself

2) What could they do in the opening paragraph to grab the reader better?

3) What is the main point of this essay? (What is the topic and what is the idea they want to get across about the topic? Ex—topic: Bear in Canadian camping trip—main idea: it wasn’t scary until we thought about it later)

Write their topic here:_____________________________________

Write their Main Idea about the Topic.___________________________

4) What do you like best about this paper? What words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs really stand out for you?

5) Put a ? next to places where you have to stop and reread something to understand it

7) Are the descriptions of the people, objects and the places clear and concrete?

a. If they tell us: “This object is special to me. I have good memories of it.” do they provide specific examples that show some of these good memories? Is this a story?

b. Find one person or object or place that is not clearly described and write them down here:

8) Where can they go further with their story? What questions do you still have? What is still hard to picture?

9) Find the strongest transition between paragraphs and write GOOD TRANS! next to it in the essay.

10)Identify the weakest transition between paragraphs and write TRANS? next to it in the essay.

11)How could they make their conclusion more memorable/forceful?

12)If you were getting a grade for this paper, would you turn it in as is?

13)What other comments or suggestions do you have for this writer?

14)Suggest a new title here: