Friday, June 06, 2008

English 70 Lesson Last Day

Read Intros in Four Sections

    1. Section 1—How This Started
    2. Section 2—Mission, What We Were Looking For, Theme
    3. Section 3—Two Lessons
    4. Section 4—The Run Down: Facts and Synopses.

  1. Complete Feedback Forms
  2. Return of Essays
    1. First week of Summer Quarter.
    2. Available in the Conference Room of English Department
  3. Grades due Next Friday, posted online under schedule that day
  4. You can sign up for 75, but you may be dropped. Have a back up plan.

  5. My schedule: 101x3, Creative Writing; Winter 102x3; Spring 70x2, Creative Writing

  6. Also, you can ask anytime, about anything.
  7. You can say hi to me on campus. Say your name and I'll say mine.
  8. You can say hi to each other.
  9. "Students from whom nothing is ever demanded which they cannot do, never does all they can." –John Stuart Mill
  10. You can make it. Each quarter is a test, a challenge. Sometimes the test is academic, sometimes it's at home, sometimes it's work, sometimes it the system. You will be tested, pushed, pulled, crushed. That's how you become a different, stronger person. You are rewriting your life. Revising. Re-seeing what could be.

See you Tuesday to read intros, pick up anthologies. Hand in "second chance" essays. 1030-1120. Same room.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Day 42

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 42 Spring


Monday 6.2

Complete O/R of essays

Outline Introduction


Tuesday 6.3

Work on Section one and two


Wednesday 6.4

Section three and four


Thursday 6.5

Peer Edit introductions/second chance essays


Friday 6.6

Introduction Essay due.

Revised essay for improved score due.



During Finals:

Tuesday from 930-1030

Anthologies handed out.

Food, drink.

Readings Your Best and a few words from me.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Day 40

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 40



  1. Sentence Variety—Length, Sentence Openings, Structure


  1. Adverbs
    1. Practice 1, 2
      1. Luckily, I had my seatbelt on.
      2. Sadly, I did not get to talk to him.
      3. Soon, we will all be together for X-mas.
      4. Awkwardly, he asked her for a kiss.
      5. Quietly, we snuck out of the house.
        1. Do one for your neighbor.
        2. Do one for your own paper.
        3. Put one on the board.


  2. –ing
    1. Practice 4, 5
      1. Running to join friends, my brother…
      2. Listening to the wrong people, he finally…
      3. Finding no room at the motel, Joseph rented a car.
        1. One for a different neighbor.
        2. One for your paper.
        3. Put one on the board


  3. Apositive (Rename a noun)
    1. Practice 10, as a class?
      1. My father, a life long attorney, came to every one of my baseball games.
      2. The class, Biology 109, was challenging.
      3. Our car, a beater if there ever was one, got us where we needed to go.
        1. One for a different neighbor.
        2. One for your paper.
        3. Put one on the board.


Homework: Final draft due Tomorrow BOP.

Please bring two copies.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 36

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 36


  1. Love/Death Essays: Rough Draft Due TUESDAY, May 27th. Final Draft Due FRIDAY May 30th.


  2. Sample Essays


  1. Interview each other
    1. Interview me
  2. Homework

Sentence Variety

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 36

1. Apostrophes
2. Capitalization
3. Interviews
Right Person
List of questions

Start with Open-Ended
Use verbal cues
Ask brief questions
Save toughest for the end
Close with Open-Ended

Don't jump in to gap
Listen for surprises


Your turn...
My turn...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 34

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 34



  1. Love/Death Essays: Rough Draft Due TUESDAY, May 27th. Final Draft Due FRIDAY May 30th.


  2. Eulogy Handout (read solo)
    1. List of possible topics
    2. Pick one from each column
    3. List of six questions
    4. Five senses


  1. Hand out on Getting the Most from Your Interviews
    1. Write questions for an interview
    2. Interview each other
    3. Interview me
  2. Homework
    1. Apostrophes


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 33

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 33


  1. Death Quiz back. Not pretty.
  2. English 75 decisions need to be made soon. I can tell you where you are, roughly. Things might change up or down. (and based on your quizzes…)
  3. Essays back
    1. Scores
      1. Average of 4 needed to get to 75—Add your score from 1st to 2nd and divide by 2
      2. You can submit a final revised copy of ONE essay for an improved score.


  1. Fragments Hold onto until tomorrow
    1. Lacking a subject, verb or complete thought
      1. Practice 1, 7, 9
      2. Chapter Review 1-4


  2. Love/Death Essays: Rough Draft Due TUESDAY, May 27th. Final Draft Due FRIDAY May 30th.


  3. Eulogy Handout (read solo)
    1. List of possible topics
      1. Mine
      2. Yours
    2. Pick one from each column
    3. List of six questions
    4. Five senses
    5. Discuss


  1. Hand out on Getting the Most from Your Interviews
  2. Homework
    1. Apostrophes


Friday, May 16, 2008

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 31



  1. Run ons
    1. Where are the pauses? Long/Short?
    2. Read it aloud.
    3. Listen to your breath
    4. Types
      1. Fused
      2. Comma splice
        1. Review practice 1, 2, 7, Chapter Review 1-4
        2. Your essays
  2. H/W
    1. Fragments
      1. Lacking a subject, verb or complete thought
        1. Read 296-298
        2. Do practice 1, 7, 9
        3. Chapter Review 1-4


Read ITMFWG 297-316 (second half of "Death" chapter)


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 31

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 31

  1. Love stories
    1. Top three
    2. Sentence Fluencey
  2. The Basic Sentence
    1. Subject
      1. Person, place thing that the sentence is about.
    2. Verb
      1. Action/Linking/Helping
    3. Complete Thought
      1. 294 practice 3
  3. Run ons
    1. Where are the pauses? Long/Short?
    2. Read it aloud.
    3. Listen to your breath
    4. Types
      1. Fused
      2. Comma splice
        1. Review practice 1, 2, 7, Chapter Review 1-4
  4. H/W
    1. Fragments
      1. Lacking a subject, verb or complete thought
        1. Read 296-298
        2. Do practice 1, 7, 9
        3. Chapter Review 1-4


Read ITMFWG Ashes to High Street


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 30

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 30

  1. Do Not Go Gentle, Dylan Thomas v. Canyonlands and All Souls Day
  2. Journal: What is the best way to approach death? You can't say both.
  3. Quiz tomorrow on Run-ons, Fragments and Death
  4. Sentence Fluency Handout
    1. Prose/Rubric
  5. Conventions H/O
    1. Prose/Rubric
  6. Why care about Conventions?
    1. Attention to them shows you've put some care into your thoughts.
    2. Screw ups can cause confusion.
      1. "I love the smell of my boyfriend's cologne."
  7. But first
    1. The Basic Sentence
      1. Subject
        1. Person, place thing that the sentence is about.
      2. Verb
        1. Action/Linking/Helping
      3. Complete Thought
        1. 294 practice 3
  8. Run ons
    1. Where are the pauses? Long/Short?
    2. Read it aloud.
    3. Listen to your breath
    4. Types
      1. Fused
      2. Comma splice
        1. Review practice 1, 2, 7, Chapter Review 1-4
        2. Your essays
  9. H/W?
    1. Fragments
      1. Lacking a subject, verb or complete thought
        1. Read 296-298
        2. Do practice 1, 7, 9
        3. Chapter Review 1-4


Read ITMFWG 297-316 (second half of "Death" chapter)


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reading Homework:
Love 247-262 by Wed.
Love 263-276 by Thurs
Death Ashes to High Street by Fri
Death to End by Monday
Quiz Monday

Friday, May 09, 2008

Day 27

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 27 Spring 2008

  1. Consistent Verb Tense
  2. Active v. Passive Voice (RW 358)
  • First, circle all the verbs of being
    • be, being, been, am, is, are, were
  • Can we change them to active, lively verbs?
  1. Scoring Sample Essay


Homework: Active Verbs and Verb Tense


Thursday, May 08, 2008

Day 26

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 26 Spring 2008

  1. Complete Peer Editing
  2. Five Senses?
  3. Each paragraph is an event?
  4. There's a MAIN IDEA?
  5. Do you take risks?
  6. Does it sound like you?


Word Choice, continued



  • Active v. Passive Voice (RW 358)
    • First, circle all the verbs of being
      • be, being, been, am, is, are, were
    • Can we change them to active, lively verbs?
  • Consistent Verb Tense


Homework: Active Verbs and Verb Tense


Monday, May 05, 2008

Day 23

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 23 Spring 2008

  1. Chapter 38 practice 1, 2
  3. Consistent Verb tense, review and try practice 15, 16
  4. Your time to work and ask me questions
  5. Homework: Four copies of your essay, 2-3 pages. Don't print in Writing Center Please.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 21

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 21 Spring 2008


  1. Try a conclusion (page 82 in your book)
    1. Where are those people now?
    2. What happened to you since?
    3. Have you answered all of our questions?
    4. What did you learn?
  2. Title (page 84)
  3. Spelling
  4. Chapter test
  5. Consistent Verb tense, review and try practice 15, 16

Homework: Chapter 38 practice 1, 2

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 20

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 20 Spring 2008


  1. Another caption example
  2. Ten more minutes to write about your Stranger or Family Photo
    1. Try to get a polished page
  3. Show to neighbor
    1. Neighbor writes five questions
  4. Answer questions
  5. Spelling
  6. Chapter test?

Consistent Verb tense

Monday, April 28, 2008

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 19 Spring 2008

  1. Free write on a stranger/photo
  2. Five senses
  3. Character description exercise
  4. Who? What? When? Why? Where? How?
  5. Events? List
  6. Second Freewrite
  7. Commonly Confused Words
    1. Practice 1, 2 and chapter review

Friday, April 25, 2008

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 18 Spring 2008

  1. Caption example.
  2. Another stranger example.
  3. Free write on a stranger.
  4. Review: "Word Choice" in Real Writing page 503-512
    1. Chapter Test?
  5. Editing for Word Choice
  6. Commonly Confused Words
    1. At tables pages 515- 522
    2. Homework: Practice 1, 2 and chapter review
  7. Stranger: Who, What, When, Where, Why
  8. Family Photo?
  9. Tomorrow: Prewriting on your choice of topic.
  10. Homework: First half of "Strangers" section to page
  11. By Monday, Pick a topic: Strangers or Family Photo

Thursday, April 24, 2008

April 16th Sec. of State Sam Reed, 3pm Kendall Theatre

April 16th: Herb Blissard, 7pm faculty Lecture Kendall

30: Visiting Lecture Series presents Dr. Mark BodamerThe Visiting Lecture Series continues with Dr. Mark Bodamer, Associate Professor of Psychology at Gonzaga University, who will present Chimpanzee Studies Cultivate Reverence for Life: Discovery, Empathy and Action at 7:00pm in Glenn Anthon Hall Room 119. Admission is free. For more information: 509-574-4646.

MAY7: Faculty Lecture Series presents Mr. Mark FuzieThe Faculty Lecture Series hosts Mr. Mark Fuzie, YVCC English Instructor, who will present A Brief Talk on Nothing (and other impending matter(s)). His lecture will begin at 7:30pm in Kendall Hall Auditorium. Admission is free. For more information: 509-574-4646.

May15: 2007-2008 Diversity Series Challenging Diversity- Challenging Our Thinking“Pico de Gallo” Jade Esteban Estrada What do illegal immigrants, politicians, ESL kindergarteners, school teachers, unwed mothers, bartenders, flight attendants, Dr. Phil, opinionated grandmothers, cable access talk show hosts and socialist taco vendors all have in common? They make up the face of 21st century Latinos in the United States in the new solo play Pico de Gallo. Estrada has been praised by critics around the country for his skillful onstage transformations. From one character to the next, he unravels a multitude of stories, songs and humorous contradictions in a celebration of the heartbeat of Latino culture. This event will begin at 7:00pm and will be held at The Seasons Music Hall, 101 N. Naches Ave, Yakima. The event is free and open to the public. For a complete list of upcoming Diversity Series events please see the following or call 574-6800 ext. 3151.

Day 17

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 17 Spring 2008

  1. Essays Returned (Almost all of them)
    1. Grade based on Ideas/Content and Organization
    2. You need to average 4.0 on these to get into 75.
    3. Avg for the class: 4.8
    4. Grammar is number one issue
    5. Don't be afraid to let go a little. Be creative writers.
  2. What we're working on
    1. Word Choice
    2. Voice
    3. Example of stranger and caption essays
  3. Review: "Word Choice" in Real Writing page 503-512
    1. Practice 1, 2, 3, 4 and chapter review
  4. Editing for Word Choice
  5. If time: Free write on a stranger.
  6. Family Photo—start looking now.
  7. Tomorrow: Prewriting on your choice of topic.
  8. Homework: First half of "Strangers" section to page


Day 17

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 17 Spring 2008

  1. What we're working on
    1. Word Choice
    2. Voice
    3. Example of stranger and caption essays
  2. Review: "Word Choice" in Real Writing page 503-512
    1. Practice 1, 2, 3, 4 and chapter review
  3. Editing for Word Choice
  4. If time: Free write on a stranger.
  5. Family Photo—start looking now.
  6. Tomorrow: Prewriting on your choice of topic.
  7. Homework: First half of "Strangers" section to page


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 16

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 16 Spring 2008

  1. What we're working on
    1. Word Choice
    2. Voice
    3. Example of stranger and caption essays


  2. Read second half of Family in ITMFWG
  3. Do: "Word Choice" in Real Writing page 503-512
    1. Practice 1, 2, 3, 4 and chapter review

Three Photographs

Three Photographs
by Kate Hoffower

I have a photograph of my sister that I took when she was in college.  We are in a cemetery in Massachusetts where Ben Franklin and Mother Goose are buried. She is doing a crayon rubbing on a gravestone that is scratched and cracked with deep shadows and no grass or flowers in front, only dirt.  My sister's blonde bangs sweep past her careful eyes, and her left hand is pale contrast, gripping the top edge of the dark stone to steady her paper.  If you look closely you can see each bone in her pinky and a softness of her nineteen year old chin that will fade too much in the following months.

But on this day we are drunk with the happiness of a trip alone without parents.  Pretending to be adults.  Both in college.  I have just seen my first opera.  I am silly with freedom and an infinite world of new experience.  We both know, but do not yet believe, that we will ever die.

I have another photograph of my sister, but this one lives in my memory alone.  It is one year later and she is standing in a Chicago movie theatre.  In the lobby.  In late December.  Our mother is lying on the floor.  Two strangers are pushing on her chest and breathing into her mouth.  Later at the hospital the breather tells us he was once a scuba diver.  It is one of those odd details that stick in your head after a hole has ripped open and shown you something you were never meant to see.

In this photograph my sister's face is soft again, but now with the courage of having battled personal demons and won.  It is the softness of a strong woman.  I have turned to her so that I will not see the paramedics opening my mother's shirt.  I have turned to her so that I will not be aware of the people eating popcorn as they glance at my mother's bra.  I have turned to her so that I will not hear the desperate hollow sounds coming from my mother's body, or see the clouds that have filled her eyes.

There is a third picture of my sister that I keep in my imagination.  She is holding a baby that has fragile pinkies and blonde hair.  I wonder at the slightly strange way she supports the baby, tightly against her chest.  Until I think about walking my dog earlier, and how I felt a sudden need to carry her for a block, supporting her weight completely in my arms.  So that I could feel her heart beating strongly, against my own.

Photo Caption

Raymond Carver –


Photograph of My Father in His Twenty-Second Year

October.  Here in this dank, unfamiliar kitchen
I study my father's embarrassed young man's face.
Sheepish grin, he holds in one hand a string
of spiny yellow perch, in the other
a bottle of Carlsbad Beer.

In jeans and denim shirt, he leans
against the front fender of a 1934 Ford.
He would like to pose bluff and hearty for his posterity,
Wear his old hat cocked over his ear.
All his life my father wanted to be bold.

But the eyes give him away, and the hands
that limply offer the string of dead perch
and the bottle of beer.  Father, I love you,
yet how can I say thank you, I who can't hold my liquor either,
and don't even know the places to fish?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 15 Spring 2008

Hand in essays

Read aloud = +.5

Essays back in about a week.

Don't ask before then, please.

Homework: Read Families 75-98 (End after Aunt Myrtle)

Complete the O/R

What I think so far.

Where we're going next.

Assignment for Families/Strangers.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Family Stranger Options

Topic 2: Families and Strangers—VOICE AND WORD CHOICE


For this assignment, we will be working on Voice and Word Choice.


Additional requirements:

Your story should focus on revealing a main point.

Your story should focus on 3-4 major events.

Each major event should be supported with details that bring it to life.

Your story should use dialogue.


2-3 pages





(From Process of Discovery)


Writing about a person who has influenced you.


We have all been influenced by many, many people in our lives. Just about everything about us—the way we talk, dress, think, believe—has been influence by parents, other relatives, peers or friends. It pretty easy to see how people this close to us affect our lives.

It's also interesting to think about how our lives have been influenced by people we didn't know well. We have all been affected by strangers or by people we barely knew. What I'd like you to do is write a paper about one of these people. Let's get away, for the moment, from people the rest of us would expect to influence your life—parents, siblings, relatives, clergy, coaches—to explore some of the more surprising influences.


For example:


A person you knew for a very short time, who walked in and out of your life, but you've never forgotten.


A person you never have met but have observed closely, perhaps a co-worker or someone in a class you took once.


After extensive freewriting, focus in on the person you're going to write about. You want to work toward a paper that will do at least three things:

Describe the person and the circumstances by which you came to know him or her.


MAIN POINT: Show specifically how this person influenced you: Is it the way you dress, the way you eat, the way you think, the way you believe?


Analyze how this change in yourself has been for the better or for the worse. Some role models are positive, some negative; what has this one been for you?

OPTION TWO—Captioning your family


Using Anne Lamott's chapter on her "Fambly", especially "Mom" as a model, write a caption for a family photo. In short, you will tell the story of the photograph—both what is seen and what is unseen by the viewer.




  • Tell a specific story about the circumstances surrounding the photo.


  • Identify the people in the photograph with their full names. Make certain you spell their names correctly.


  • Describe what is happening in the photo by providing the context for when the photo was taken. What are the circumstances here? What is going on that you can't see by looking in the pictures?


  • Be creative and honest.


  • Study the photograph yourself as you are writing the caption. What information do you have about the people in the photograph that no one else has? What is going on in this photograph that can't be seen?


  • MAIN POINT: What do you want the reader to know/understand by the end of the story?


  • How have you supported this point?



Day 14

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 14 Spring 2008

  1. Hand in essays
    1. Read aloud = =.5
    2. Essays back in about a week.
    3. Don't ask before then, please.
  2. Homework: Read Families 75-98 (End after Aunt Myrtle)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Day 13

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 13 Spring 2008

  1. English 102 students?
  2. Complete worksheets.
  3. Discuss worksheets. BE SPECIFIC.
  4. Peer Review Review
  5. Let's work on intros
    1. Read yours
    2. Try the forms
    3. Other ideas?
  6. Let's work on ideas
    1. What is your main idea?
  7. Let's try organization
    1. quick paragraph level outline

If time, Real Writing, Chapter 8

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day 12

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 12 Spring 2008

  1. Kind Honesty
  2. Thick Skin
  3. What do you want help with? What questions do you have?
  4. Author reads it aloud, everyone else marks it as they read
    1. What sounds wrong?
  5. Discuss the author's questions
  6. Repeat around the table.
  7. Complete worksheets.
  8. Discuss worksheets. BE SPECIFIC.

If there's time, try and outline of your own rough draft.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 11

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 11 Spring 2008

  1. The idea is not that we are experts. The idea is our writing should make sense to this audience. If it doesn't, why not? If it does, how can I do it again?
  2. Kind Honesty
  3. Thick Skin
  4. What do you want help with? What questions do you have?
  5. Number paragraphs on your essays.
  6. Hand out to your group
    1. Give permission to be hard on your paper
  7. Author reads it aloud, everyone else marks it as they read
    1. What sounds wrong?
  8. Discuss the author's questions
  9. Repeat around the table

Complete worksheets as HOMEWORK. I'll check them tomorrow for 10 points.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 10

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 10


  1. Where you are now
    1. Prewriting.
    2. This sometimes is the hardest stage. Blank screens…
  2. Where this is going.
  3. Sample Animal Essay.
    1. From the book.
  4. Sample Object Essay.
  5. Look for MAIN IDEA
  8. Look for FIVE W's
  9. Look for FIVE SENSES
  10. Look for CHARACTERS and SETTING
  11. Look for chronological EVENTS
  12. Homework, bring 4 copies of your essays 2-3 pages.
    1. To be graded on completion and effort, not on quality yet.

Don't use the writing center to print your essays.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 9

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 9


  1. Log in.
  2. If you are working on Animal essay—probably use "Events" as paragraphs.
  3. If you are working on "Object" you might choose "Reasons" as paragraphs? If so, use "Order of Importance" to organize.
  4. Work on essay.
  5. Ask me questions.
  6. Rough Draft Due: Wednesday

Tomorrow, sample essays.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 8

  1. H/B Six Traits Quiz
  2. Review narrowing your ideas homework
  3. H/O on Ideas/Content and Organization
    1. W/overheads
  4. ITMFWG Animals Favorites
    1. Questioning
      1. Five W's + How
    2. Five Senses
    3. Graphic Organizers for narratives.
    4. 4 Questions to ask of your topic
      1. Does it interest me?
      2. Can I say something about it?
      3. Is it specific?
      4. AND—
        1. What is the main point?


No class Thursday (English only) or Friday (all classes)

RW Chapter 9: Narration

Read 107-120

Do: Practice 3, using your essay topic (Animal/Object); Practice 4, and Chapter Review

Rough Draft of this essay due next TUESDAY. Final Draft due next Friday.

We'll have lab time (C216) on Monday to work on it. You should know how to LOG ON to the computers by then. Please use Thursday to go to open labs and get YVCC system.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 7 Tuesday

  1. Six Traits Quiz
  2. H/O on Ideas/Content and Organization
    1. W/overheads
  3. ITMFWG Animals Favorites
  4. Generating Ideas
    1. Listing
      1. Animals/Objects
        1. Pets list already done
        2. Wild, Zoo, Farm, Fair, Friends, Relatives
        3. Souvenirs
    2. Freewriting
      1. Animals/Objects
        1. Pick one from the list and go for 10 minutes
    3. Questioning
      1. Five W's + How
        1. Animals
        2. Objects
    4. Discussion
      1. At your tables
    5. Clustering/Mapping
    6. Five Senses if there's time.
    7. 4 Questions to ask of your topic
      1. Does it interest me?
      2. Can I say something about it?
      3. Is it specific?
      4. AND—
        1. What is the main point?

Homework: Read Chapter 4 in RW and do practices: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 for tomorrow.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Day 6

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 6

  1. Quiz: names
  2. Quiz over Six Traits Tomorrow
  3. Reset:
    1. Traits of a good student
    2. Traits of a good teacher
    3. Traits of good writing
      1. Six Traits
        1. Ideas/Content
        2. Organization
        3. Word Choice
        4. Voice
        5. Sentence Fluency
        6. Conventions


  1. Quiz Objects/RW
  2. Correct quiz/objects
  3. Favorite Objects stories
  4. Essay one assignment—H/O
    1. Focus on Ideas/Content + Organization
    2. NY Stray
    3. Yellow Butterfly
    4. other?


  1. The Writing Process
    1. Generate Ideas
    2. Plan
    3. Draft
    4. Revise
    5. Edit
    6. Present final draft


  1. Generate Ideas
    1. List
    2. Freewrite
    3. Discussion
    4. Webbing (inspiration software?)
    5. Journalists Questions
    6. Read/research

Friday, April 04, 2008

Day 5

English 70 Fall 06

Lesson Plan Day 5


  1. Names and faces and ITMFWG and RW quiz on Monday.
  2. Six Traits reviewed
  3. Focus on Ideas and Content
  4. Focus on Organization
  5. What about Yellow Butterfly?
  6. The Writing Process
    1. Generate Ideas
    2. Plan
    3. Draft
    4. Revise
    5. Edit
    6. Present final draft
  7. Animals/Objects Essay Assigned
  8. Generate Ideas

Homework: Read "Objects"

italian subtitles, but the best footage of the speech.

Here's a link to another story about it from NPR.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Day 4

English 70 Lesson Plan Day 4


  1. Journal: What is the best thing you've ever read? Best story, magazine, article, comic book, sacred text, novel, play, poem, card or letter, email, text message?


  1. Six Traits defined


  1. Fit our traits under the six traits


  1. Look at a story for traits, overall


  1. Show outline of class using the traits


  2. The Writing Process


Names and Faces, quiz Monday. Meet in LAB

Quiz Monday covering ITMFWG and RW

Six Traits quiz later next week

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

English 70 Lesson Plan 3



  1. What are your goals for the rest of the week?
  2. What are your goals for the rest of the quarter?
  3. What are your goals at YVCC?



  1. Chapter Review
    1. What are the five course basics?
    2. What are the Four Basics of Good Writing


  2. Traits of good writing according to us.


  3. Five Steps in the Writing Process (plus one)


  4. Names and Faces



Names and Faces Quiz Monday in the lab

Read ITMFWG pages 3 to 16

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

English 70 Lesson Plan 2


  1. Why are you at YVCC?


  1. Questions about the class.


  2. Questions about me.


  1. Traits
    1. Good Student
    2. Good Teacher
    3. Good Writing?


  2. Homework
    1. Read RW pages 3-17

Buy book I Thought My Father Was God

Monday, March 31, 2008

English 70 Day 1

Learning begins with questions.


  1. Assumptions
    1. Right
    2. Class
    3. Teacher
  2. Questions
    1. Left
    2. Class
    3. Teacher
  3. Syllabus
  4. Rewrite questions about the class
  5. Traits of a good teacher
  6. Traits of a good student
  7. Traits of good writing


Complete Traits list

Read Real Writing 3-7