Lesson Plan Day 28 Spring 09
- Essays back
- Improved scores and High scores
- Higher/lower scores doesn't mean what they normally would.
- Higher/lower scores doesn't mean what they normally would.
- Consider adding dialogue (voice, right?)
- Come see me to discuss essays.
- 24 hour rule
- I'll let you know where you are by the end of the week grade wise.
- Essay Topic 3: Love and Death
- List people you might interview for "Love"
- Types of Love
- Types of Love
- Eulogy lists?
- Types of deaths
- Types of deaths
- Due Dates—Rough Draft 5/18; Final Draft 5/26
- Hand back verb tense, commonly confused words, quotation marks
- RW Practice 1, 2, 3, 4, and Chapter Review
- Try the chapter test
- Try the chapter test
- Quizzes on Love and Death, not good. This is important for two reasons
- You'll write better essays (and get better grades) if you do the reading. Reading and writing are the same thing.
- In English 101 and 102 and all other classes require a great deal of reading. You need to develop good habits now to do well in the future.
- You'll write better essays (and get better grades) if you do the reading. Reading and writing are the same thing.
- Homework: Fragments (287-305)
Practice 1, 7, 8 and the chapter review