Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 31

Lesson Plan Day 31 Spring 09

  1. New Due Date—Rough Draft 5/18; Final Draft 5/27
  2. Love/Death Stories
    1. Read sample stories.
    2. Look for sentence fluency
      1. Short long.
      2. Intentional fragments
      3. Varied sentence openings
  3. Getting the most from your interview:
  4. Handout "Getting the Most From Your Interview"
    1. Prep
    2. Rapport
    3. Questions
    4. Listening
    5. Follow-up


  1. Practice on me.
    1. Prep—list of questions for me about love.
    2. Rapport—Help me relax and feel safe.
    3. Questions—Start with broad ones, use verbal cues, save toughest for end, close with open ended.
    4. Listening—Don't fill pauses, don't over talk.
    5. Follow-up—Re-interview.


  2. Eulogy Tips Handout
  3. Hand in Capitalization Practice (581) 1, 2, 3, 4 and Apostrophes (558) Practice 1, 2, 4 and Chapter Review
  4. Homework: Spelling (525), Practice 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
  5. Test over Caps, Apostrophes and Spelling tomorrow in class.