Friday, May 15, 2009

Lesson Plan Day 32 Spring 09

  1. New Due Date—Rough Draft 5/18; Final Draft 5/27
  2. Eulogy Tips Handout
  3. Hand in Capitalization Practice (581) 1, 2, 3, 4 and Apostrophes (558) Practice 1, 2, 4 and Chapter Review
  4. Hand in Spelling (525), Practice 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
  5. Test over Caps, Apostrophes and Spelling
    1. Correct in class
  6. Practice in groups of four
    1. Two interview, Two observe and give feedback on the following:
      1. Prep—list of questions for me about love.
      2. Rapport—Help me relax and feel safe.
      3. Questions—Start with broad ones, use verbal cues, save toughest for end, close with open ended.
      4. Listening—Don't fill pauses, don't over talk.
      5. Follow-up—Re-interview.

  7. Homework: Rough drafts due Monday. Bring four copies.
  8. Next week, we'll work on Sentence Variety.
  9. Grades, so far
    1. For an S (75)
      1. 70% on Prewriting
      2. Average of 4.0 on Essays
      3. Absent 4 or fewer classes
    2. There are two more essays to go.
      1. Love and Death
      2. An "Introduction" to our collection of stories.
    3. There are a few more options for bonus points

Friday May 22nd, 7pm Scott Klepach reading from his novel.