Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 4

English 70 Lesson Plan 4

1. VARK as a class.

2. Chapter Review.

3. Quiz over six traits—four digits of SID

4. The First Two Traits: Ideas and Content; Organization

5. Favorite Objects story.

• Main idea?

6. Generating Ideas: Broad Topics—Animals or Objects.

• Listing

1. Animals/Objects

1. Pets

2. Wild, Zoo, Farm, Fair, Friends, Relatives

2. Objects:

1. Souvenirs, antiques, hand me downs, hard earned treasures, gifts, symbolic clutter. (Avoid photo albums or boxes full of items. Too broad to write about.)

• Freewriting

3. Animals/Objects

1. Pick one from the list and go for 8 minutes

• Questioning

1. Five W's + How

1. Animals

2. Objects

• Discussion

1. At your tables

• 4 Questions to ask of your topic

1. Does it interest me?

2. Can I say something about it?

3. Is it specific?

4. AND—

1. What is the main point?

7. Write Your Narrowed Topic + Main Point (page 44-45 in RS).

8. Understanding the Basics of Good Writing.

• Read 37-39.

• Read 39-40.

• Do Chapter Review.

9. Skip “Developing Your Paragraph” for now.

10. Writing Your Paragraph (What we don’t get to is homework for Monday—Chapter 6 work will be worth 30 points).

• Read 51-52

• Do Practice 1

• Read 52-53

• Do Practice 2, 3 and 4.

• Do Practice 5 based on Animal or Object story.

• Read 55-56

• Do Practice 6, 7

• Do Practice 8 based on Animal or Object story.

• Read 58

• Do Practice 9

• Read 59

• Do Practice 10 and 11

• Do Chapter Review

11. Homework: Prepare for names quiz and quiz over "Objects" on Monday.

12. Rough Draft Due Wednesday. 2-3 pages double spaced.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

English 70 Lesson Plan 3

  1. Favorite story from last night? Let's hear it aloud in class today.

  2. My Job/Your Job contracts.

  3. Faces and Names. Quiz Monday.

  4. Six Traits of Writing: Overview--quiz tomorrow over these six. For this essay:

    1. Ideas and Content

    2. Organization

  5. The Writing Process

    1. Generate Ideas

    2. Organizing ideas

    3. Rough Draft

    4. Peer Review

    5. Revise/Edit/Proofread

    6. Final Draft

    7. Present/Publish

  6. Read "Objects" section in ITMFWG.

  7. Do: Understanding your learning styles in Real Skills. Hand this in tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here's the library workshop schedule. You can get bonus points for all of them except: Criminal Justice, EBSCO, Health and Medical, Statistics and History in Context. That's 11.
Saturday - April 2,2011 at 1:00 PM Community Forum on Immigration

A presentation and discussion held in conjunction with the 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology in Seattle. Moderated by Eric Anderson, Instructor of Anthropology at Yakima Valley Community College. Made possible through a grant from Humanities Washington. for more information

1) April 13th, YVCC Faculty Lecture Series 7pm, Glenn Anthon 119
The Book is Dead. Long Live the Book: Publishing in the Digital Age

Contrary to what you have heard, there has never been a better time in history to be a writer. It seems as if new forms of publishing are being invented every month. From Lulu to Cloud Mag to Espresso to letterpress work, the opportunities for being heard continue to grow. But this explosion of technology new and old raises some big questions. What will happen to the printed book? Why do we still need publishers? Should I self-publish? How will we sort through all the noise and will the best work rise to the top? In this lecture, English Instructor and Editor of Blue Begonia Press, Dan Peters will help sort out the answers and give practical advice on how to get your writing into the world.

2) April 21st: Allied Arts Coffee House

The judges have made their decisions for our annual juried competition. It was a BIG job considering that 71 poets submitted work, some 290 poems! The winning poets must be from, live in, or have a connection to Central Washington and they'll be present at the April 21, 2011 event to read their own work and receive awards at The Juried Poetry Coffeehouse.The event is here at the Allied Arts Center; doors open about 6pm. Over $500 in prize money will be awarded. In addition, the winning poems will be published in a Chapbook that will be sold/distributed during and after the poetry reading. There will be a nominal fee at the door to attend to the Coffeehouse Reading. Proceeds from the reading and Chapbook sales go toward future writing events. Our Judges for the 2011 contest were Charles Potts of Walla Walla; Carrie Vestal Gilman, 2010 First place winner; and Sara Gettys, 2010 Tom Pier Prize winner.

3) April 22nd: Book Launch for Elizabeth Austen’s Every Dress a Decision.

7pm at Oak Hollow Gallery, 5631 Summitview Ave., Yakima, Wash. Elizabeth Austen is a Seattle-based poet, performer and teacher. Elizabeth spent her teens and twenties working in the theatre and writing poems. A six-month solo walkabout in the Andes region of South America led her to focus exclusively on poetry. She is the author of Every Dress a Decision (Blue Begonia Press, 2011) and two chapbooks, The Girl Who Goes Alone (Floating Bridge Press, 2010) and Where Currents Meet, part of the 2010 Toadlily Press quartet, Sightline.
English 70 Lesson Plan 2

Questions about the class and me.

Good Student
Good Teacher
Good Writing?

Traits of Writing Handouts

Fill in the blanks
Strengths and weaknesses
Quiz on all six on Thursday

Essay 1 assignment handout

Homework Read First section on "Animals"

Monday, March 28, 2011

English 70 Day 1 Learning begins with questions. Aristotle Questions Left Class Teacher Assumptions Right Class Teacher Syllabus Rewrite questions about the class The Traits: Traits of a good teacher Traits of a good student Traits of good writing Homework Complete Traits list.