Monday, April 05, 2010

Day 6

English 70 Lesson Plan 6

  1. Names quiz
  2. Objects quiz
  3. Generating Ideas
    1. Listing
    2. Freewriting
    3. Questioning
      1. Five W's + How
        1. Animals/Objects
    4. Discussion
    5. Clustering/Mapping
    6. Five Senses if there's time.
    7. 4 Questions to ask of your topic
      1. Does it interest me?
      2. Can I say something about it?
      3. Is it specific?
      4. AND—
        1. What is the main point?
  4. Organize Ideas
  5. Exercise 1 on page 8-9?


Homework: Rough Draft of Essay One due next Monday.

Homework: Exercises 2-4 in The Least (pages 9-11).