Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Day 7

English 70 Lesson Plan 7

1. Library Bonus Points?

2. By the end of the class, I want everyone to have an outline and an intro and conclusion.

3. Four Questions to ask of your topic

1. Does it interest me?

2. Can I say something about it?

3. Is it specific?

4. AND—

1. What is the main point?

4. Theme statement:

• Single Main Point, stated in a sentence.

• Not too broad or narrow.

• Not a simple fact.

• Not watered down with I think, I hope, In this paper I will.

5. Chapter 7 Review, Practice 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, Chapter Review.

• My example from yesterday.

6. Graphic Organizers for outline and intros/conclusions.

7. Homework: Chapter 9, Read 108-111; 115-117. Do Chapter Review 1-5.

8. Rough Draft Due Monday. 2-3 pages double spaced. Bring 4 copies.